Altars, Rituals and Tea

October 15, 2020 @ 3:00PM — 3:30PM Eastern Time (US & Canada)

Dearly Departed 2020 Opening Event

Altars, Rituals and Tea image

Join us for tea and creating your personal remembrance altar

There are currently no tickets available for this event, but you can still make a donation.


This the time of year when the veil is thin and we turn inward. We turn to remembering and honoring who and what we have lost. For many, grief isn’t an easy or forthcoming process. Dearly Departed was created to change that.

In the environment of 2020, we have continued to create virtual offerings that allow for connection as well as safety. We hope you will join us for one or all of the following offerings this month.

October 15th, 3:00-3:30pm: A.R.T:: Altars, Rituals and Tea

This short and sweet tea-time offering is an introduction to creating and using a personal altar in the season of honoring. Altars are a way to create sacred space in your home, yard, workplace or even your car. Ritual is a pause we take to mark the end of one time and the beginning of another. Let’s talk about them both over a cup of Tea, the symbol of a peaceful life and a way to pause and connect.